The Supervisory Board of Aurubis AG

The Supervisory Board supports the Group’s strategic orientation. It advises the Executive Board in the company’s management and monitors corporate governance.

Aurubis’ Supervisory Board consists of 12 members, half of whom are elected by the employees and half of whom are elected by the shareholders. The Supervisory Board members representing the employees are elected pursuant to the German Codetermination Act (1976), while the members representing the shareholders are elected at Aurubis AG’s Annual General Meeting.

There are five committees of the Supervisory Board in which the members are active: 

  • Audit Committee
  • Personnel/Remuneration Committee
  • Nomination Committee
  • Conciliation Committee
  • Technology Committee

Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt was elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Jan Koltze is Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Members, CVs, and mandates 

Detailed information on all members of the Aurubis AG Supervisory Board is available here. The CVs are updated annually. 

Fritz Vahrenholt
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Jan Koltze *
Jan Koltze *

Supervisory Board member representing the employees

CV / offices
Gunnar Groebler
Gunnar Groebler

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Stefan Schmidt *
Stefan Schmidt *

Supervisory Board member representing the employees

CV / offices
Stephan Krümmer
Dr. Stephan Krümmer

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Deniz Acar *
Deniz Acar *

Member of the Supervisory Board representing the employees

CV / offices
Sandra Reich
Dr. Sandra Reich

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Elke Lossin *
Dr. Elke Lossin *

Supervisory Board member representing the employees

CV / offices
Kathrin Dahnke
Kathrin Dahnke

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Christian Ehrentraut *
Christian Ehrentraut *

Supervisory Board member representing the employees

CV / offices
Markus Kramer
Prof. Dr. Markus Kramer

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

CV / offices
Daniel Mrosek *
Daniel Mrosek *

Supervisory Board member representing the employees

CV / offices

Supervisory Board report

The Supervisory Board performed the functions incumbent upon it by law and the Articles of Association during the entire fiscal year. It advised the Executive Board in the company’s management and monitored the corporate governance of the company. The Supervisory Board was directly included in all decisions of fundamental importance for the company. You can find detailed information about the work of the Supervisory Board in the past fiscal year here:

Composition, targets, and skills profiles

The Supervisory Board has established a concept for the composition of the Supervisory Board. The concept includes goals for the composition of the Supervisory Board, the skills profile, and a diversity concept. The concept is availaible for download here.

Individual disclosure of participation in meetings

The Supervisory Board considers it to be part of good corporate governance to disclose participation in meetings of the full Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees on an individual basis.


The term of Supervisory Board members is currently 4 years for the shareholder representatives and five years for the employee representatives. The shareholder representatives are therefore elected until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2027, the employee representatives until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2028.


Date of initial appointment

Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt


Stefan Schmidt*


Gunnar Groebler


Deniz Acar* 2019

Prof. Dr. Markus Kramer


Jan Koltze*


Dr. Stephan Krümmer


Dr. Elke Lossin*


Dr. Sandra Reich


Christian Ehrentraut*


Kathrin Dahnke


Daniel Mrosek*


* = elected by the employees

In accordance with the goals for the composition of the Supervisory Board, the members of the Supervisory Board usually may not be older than 75 during the election.

Directors' dealings

You can find the notifications currently subject to disclosure requirements here.

In accordance with Art. 19(1) subparagraph 2 MAR,  members of the Executive and Supervisory Boards of a public company as well as closely related persons must notify the company and the Federal Authority for Financial Services Supervision (BaFin) about the purchase and sale of shares in the company or related financial instruments. The companies are obligated to publish this information. Insignificant purchase and sales transactions are exempt from this disclosure obligation.

Notifications pursuant to Section Art. 19(1) subparagraph 2 MAR

Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Aurubis AG

Please download the latest version of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Aurubis AG here.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is primarily responsible for issues of accounting, risk management, the internal control system, and compliance. It also discusses the financial reports with the Executive Board prior to their publication. Other important focuses are the required independence of the auditors, the appointment of the auditors, the determination of the focuses of the audit, and the agreement of the fee. Furthermore, the committee recommends a resolution to propose the auditor to the Annual General Meeting as well as the approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements.


Shareholder side:
Dr. Stephan Krümmer (Chairman)
Katrin Dahnke
Dr. Sandra Reich

Employee side:
Jan Koltze
Dr. Elke Lossin
Deniz Filiz Acar

Personnel/Remuneration Committee

The Personnel/Remuneration Committee is responsible for preparing the appointment of Executive Board members as well as for representing the company to the members of the Executive Board. It handles all personnel matters of the Executive Board members, including approving the acceptance of mandates with other companies. It also concerns itself with the achievement of goals by Executive Board members, prepares the review of the compensation system for the Executive Board, and, in the process, handles the setting of goals for variable compensation.


Shareholder side:
Gunnar Groebler (Chairman*)
Dr. Stephan Krümmer*
Dr. Sandra Reich
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt

Employee side:
Deniz Filiz Acar
Christian Ehrentraut
Jan Koltze
Stefan Schmidt 

*temporary until the end of Prof Dr Markus Kramer's appointment to the Executive Board

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee proposes suitable candidates to the Supervisory Board, whom it in turn may propose to the Annual General Meeting for the election of Supervisory Board members. In addition, the Nomination Committee develops specific goals for the composition of the Supervisory Board as well as job profiles for shareholder representatives.


Kathrin Dahnke (Chair)
Gunnar Groebler
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt*
Dr. Stephan Krümmer

*temporary until the end of Prof Dr Markus Kramer's appointment to the Executive Board

Conciliation Committee

The Conciliation Committee, which is prescribed by Section 27 (3) of the Codetermination Act, meets only if the required two-thirds majority of votes is not reached for the appointment of a member of the Executive Board or the revocation of the appointment. The committee must submit a corresponding proposal to the Supervisory Board within a month.


Shaerholder side:
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt (Chairman)
Gunnar Groebler

Employee side:
Jan Koltze (Deputy Chairman)
Dr. Elke Lossin

Technology Committee

Shareholder side:
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt(Chairman)
Dr. Stephan Krümmer
Gunnar Groebler

Employee side:
Christian Ehrentraut
Stefan Schmidt
Daniel Mrosek