Responsible supply chain

Locally established. Globally committed.

We process copper concentrates that are obtained from ores and are offered by mining companies and trading companies on the global market. We purchase the necessary raw materials for our two primary smelters in Hamburg and Pirdop. We don’t have our own mines or stakes in mines. Apart from copper concentrates, we also use copper scrap and other metal-bearing recycling materials, as well as bought-in intermediates, as feed material.

In some cases, our raw materials come from countries with a higher risk of corruption, human rights violations, and non-compliance with social and environmental standards. Responsibility in the supply chain is therefore one of the central topics of the Sustainability Strategy. We respect human rights, advocate for their protection, and adhere to the recognized core labor standards set out by the International Labour Organization (ILO). We have also pledged to comply with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance, which serves as an important international guideline for sustainable activities in the supply chain. This guidance regulates responsible global supply chain management in the processing of conflict-free raw materials.

We expect our business partners to follow all local laws. We also expect them to observe UN sanctions and trade restrictions, as well as UN conventions related to human rights, environmental protection, and safety. We have included a corresponding clause in our – usually long-term – supply contracts since 2013. In the meantime, this clause is a component of about 80 % of our supply contracts for primary raw materials. This should increase to 100 % by fiscal year 2022/23.

Our due diligence in selecting suppliers has been supported by our Business Partner Screening since 2015 and applies to suppliers of both primary materials and secondary materials. Using this tool, we analyze our business partners in a structured manner with regard to their integrity relating to social and ecological criteria. Screening is guided by the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains.

The Procurement and Sales departments are responsible for implementing this screening. We use internally configured software for screening across the Group. It assesses risks according to financial, tax, and criminal law aspects, as well as risks relevant to sustainability. The result includes a profile that, in the case of increased risk, leads to additional research by the Commercial, Compliance, and Sustainability departments. 

Based on this assessment, management decides on possible contracts or restrictions. The Compliance and Sustainability departments regularly repeat the review, with the time interval depending on the risk level that has been determined. New partners are reviewed before any contracts are signed.

Responsible corporate governance requires common values and rules to point the way in everyday business. At Aurubis, the legal framework, corporate values, and internal policies ensure that our conduct is legally sound and that our communication with colleagues and business partners is fair and trusting. These guidelines also ensure a responsible attitude towards resources within our company. Aurubis’ Code of Conduct prescribes correct conduct within the meaning of our responsible corporate governance to all of the employees across the Group.

Aurubis’ active prevention principle is a basic component of responsible business activities. We act conscientiously in our operating business and are growing to a sensible and healthy extent. Both of these factors form the basis of our sustainable economic success and secure Aurubis’ future. We integrate sustainable conduct and economic activities into the corporate culture – at the individual sites and across business processes. 

Marie-Christine von Hahn
Marie-Christine von Hahn

Vice President Corporate External Affairs

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Vedrana Lemor
Vedrana Lemor

Head of Sustainability and External Affairs

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